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Anxiety Treatment 


It's an exhausting feeling when you can’t have a moment of peace and quiet in your own mind. Sleepless nights, feeling restless, obsessing over things outside of your control, and a consistent feeling that something is wrong can leave us feeling tired and uncertain. Constant worrying gets in the way of connecting in our relationships, doing things we enjoy, and can have a negative impact on our overall health and well-being. Stress is a normal part of life. A person can be stressed about a job interview, a first date, or feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities. However, if your anxiety and stress is starting to negatively impact your daily life, it’s time to seek professional treatment.  


Symptoms of Anxiety 


Individuals experience anxiety in many different ways. Common symptoms of anxiety include: 


  • Restlessness or feeling “on edge.”

  • Being easily fatigued

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Sleep disturbance

  • Irritability

  • Muscle tension 


Types of Anxiety 


  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder- People who suffer from this condition experience excessive worry and apprehension about numerous areas of their life. This constant worry can lead to feelings of restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, or sleep disturbance. 


  • Social Anxiety Disorder- A common form of anxiety in which people experience fear and worry about being in social situations where they can be judged by others. Having a conversation, meeting new people, or being the center of attention are all situations that can cause fear and excessive worry. Social anxiety may cause individuals to avoid social gatherings due to fear of being embarrassed or humiliated. 


  • Panic Disorder- People with panic disorder experience unexpected recurring panic attacks. Panic attacks cause a number of physical symptoms including shortness of breath, increased heart rate, chest pain, and lightheadedness. People often experience a fear of dying or “losing control” during a panic attack. 


  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder- This condition causes people to experience intrusive and persistent unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and an excessive impulse to do certain repetitive actions such as excessive hand washing or checking to make sure the oven is off numerous times before leaving the house. Obsessions and compulsions can be time-consuming and significantly impact people’s ability to function.  


Treatment Options 


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Your therapist will help you assess core thoughts and beliefs that contribute to anxiety symptoms, evaluate the validity of those thoughts, and then help you restructure your thought process to reduce the likelihood of triggering anxiety symptoms.


Mindfulness: Your therapist will help you learn skills including guided meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery to help relieve your symptoms. Mindfulness is an effective tool to treat anxiety and helps you develop skills to ground yourself and stay in the present moment.


Medication: Medication can be another useful tool in managing your anxiety symptoms. If needed, our therapists are able to refer you to a Doctor who can evaluate whether medication is a good option to assist with your treatment.


Get Help Today

We understand it can be difficult to reach out for help. Sometimes, asking for help can even feel like one more thing on your list of worries. That’s why our team simplifies the process of getting started with therapy. Reach out today, and we will connect you with a therapist who can partner with you to develop a treatment plan that fits your unique needs, and will help you get started on your path to recovery. 



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